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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Summer Hydration 1O1

Proper hydration during summers is crucial to regulate body temperature, supports digestion, nutrient absorption, and exercise performance, and promotes healthy skin. 


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Water is the best choice for hydration. Aim to drink at least 3-4 litres of water per day or more if you are active or spending time outdoors. Carry a reusable water bottle with you to ensure easy access to water.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

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Incorporate hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, oranges, pineapples, tomatoes, and leafy greens into your diet, not only provide hydration but also offer essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

2. Include Hydrating Foods

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Replenish the electrolytes lost during sweating by consuming foods rich in minerals like sodium and potassium, such as bananas, avocados, coconut water, and yogurt; or BCAA drinks with electrolytes, especially during intense physical activity. 

3. Opt for Electrolytes

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Alcohol and caffeinated beverages, can increase fluid loss and potentially leading to dehydration. If you consume, do so in moderation and balance them with sufficient water intake.

4. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine 

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When exercising in hot weather, increase your water intake to compensate for fluid loss through sweat. Drink water before, during, and after exercise. Sports drinks or electrolyte solutions may be beneficial for more intense workouts. 

5. Be Mindful of Hydration During Exercise

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Pay attention to your body's signals of thirst and drink water whenever you feel thirsty. Thirst is a natural indicator that your body needs fluids, so honour those cues and keep yourself hydrated. 

6. Listen to your Body's Thirst Cues

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Prioritize hydration as an essential part of your nutrition routine and enjoy the benefits of a well-hydrated body throughout the summer season. 


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