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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Tips to Stay Fit & Active at Desk Job

Welcome to a quick guide on staying fit and active while working at a desk job. Don't let your sedentary work routine weigh you down – discover simple ways to boost your energy and well-being. 


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Incorporate desk stretches into your routine. Simple neck rolls, shoulder stretches, and seated leg lifts can improve flexibility and reduce stiffness. 

1. Desk Stretches 

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Set an hourly reminder to stand up, stretch, or take a short walk. These breaks enhance circulation, reduce fatigue, and contribute to overall well-being. 

2. Take Breaks 

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If possible, choose active commuting options such as walking or biking. It's a great way to sneak in exercise and kickstart your day. 

3. Active Commuting   

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Perform discreet desk exercises like leg lifts, seated leg curls, or chair squats to engage your muscles without drawing too much attention. 

4. Desk Exercises  

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Stay hydrated throughout the day. Not only does it promote overall health, but it also encourages short breaks for bathroom visits and water refills. 

5. Hydration 

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Opt for healthy snacks to fuel your day. Nuts, fruits, and yogurt are excellent choices that provide sustained energy. 

6.  Healthy Snacks  

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Consider using a standing desk. Alternating between sitting and standing can improve posture and reduce the negative effects of prolonged sitting. 

7. Stand-Up Desk  

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Utilize your lunch break for a brisk walk. Invite colleagues to join, turning it into a social and active routine. 

8. Lunchtime Walks 

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Incorporate mindful breathing exercises to reduce stress and boost focus. Deep breaths at your desk can make a significant difference. 

9. Mindful Breathing 

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Set fitness challenges with colleagues. Friendly competitions, like step counts or mini-workout challenges, can turn staying active into a team effort. 

10. Fitness Challenges  

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Incorporate these simple tips into your daily routine to revitalize your workday. A little effort goes a long way in maintaining your fitness and well-being at a desk job. Stay active, stay healthy! 


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