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Written by Navneet Kaur, M.Sc. Nutrition & Dietetics


Tracking Progress: How to Monitor Weight Gain 

Tracking weight gain is essential for health and fitness goals. Learn effective methods to monitor progress and stay motivated on your journey. 


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Establish clear and realistic weight gain goals. Consider factors like target weight, timeline, and muscle mass gain to track progress effectively. 

1. Set Goals 

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Regularly weigh yourself using a reliable scale. Record measurements at consistent intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly, to track changes over time. 

2. Weighing Scale  

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Take body measurements using a tape measure. Track changes in waist circumference, hip size, and other key areas to monitor progress beyond weight alone. 

3. Body Measurements 

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Consider body composition analysis methods like DEXA scans or bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to assess changes in muscle mass, body fat percentage, and overall composition. 

4. Body Composition Analysis  

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Capture progress photos from different angles regularly. Visual comparisons can provide motivation and reveal changes in physique over time. 

5. Progress Photos 

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Pay attention to how your clothes fit. Changes in clothing size or how they feel on your body can indicate progress, especially if the scale doesn't reflect it. 

6. Clothing Fit 

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Monitor strength gains and performance improvements in your workouts. Increased strength and endurance can indicate muscle growth, even if weight gain is minimal. 

7. Strength and Performance 

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Notice changes in energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. Positive shifts may signify improvements in health and fitness beyond just physical changes. 

8. Energy Levels and Well-being 

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Monitoring weight gain progress requires a combination of methods, including scales, measurements, photos, and performance tracking. Choose methods that align with your goals and preferences to stay accountable and motivated on your journey to better health and fitness. 


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