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USER GUIDE: DIRECTIONS: As a dietary supplement, mix 1 scoop with 6-8 oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice before, during, or after your workout.
NOTE: To prevent settling, stir and drink immediately. To ensure maximum results: wait 20-30 minutes after taking AMINOx before eating a meal or drinking a shake. NOTE: To maximize the effects of AMINOx consume 120 oz. of water per day and a diet that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Your body chemistry and weight will determine how long it takes to experience the effects of AMINOx.View more
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(9 Ratings & 9 Reviews)
on 13 Apr, 2019
on 07 Jan, 2021
on 27 Jan, 2021
The product information provided here is for reference only. There can occasionally be some mismatch in the images and the actual physical product since the brand may update the product labels from time to time.