HealthAid Emu Oil ( Muscle & Joint Rub) | NUTRABAY™

HealthAid Emu Oil ( Muscle & Joint Rub)


HealthAid Emu Oil ( Muscle & Joint Rub)

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    Emu Oil Cream contains Emu Oil, which has natural soothing properties and is combined with Menthol and Eucalyptus to provide a naturally warming and penetrating body balm for athletes or people with aches and pains. Australia’s aborigines have used Emu Oil for centuries. It was held in high regard among its many tribes. They believed that it possessed many properties and found the results very beneficial when applying EMU oil to aching muscles and joints. Emu Oil is a common resident in most Australian household medicine cabinets. In keeping with the original formula but purifying the mixture for maximum effectiveness. HealthAid have produced a completely natural Emu Oil based Muscle and Joint Rub that is suitable for all including sports people and also the elderly. Emu Oil Cream contains Emu Oil which is a naturally healing oil and is a white solid which melts between 18-22C becoming a pale golden liquid. Most people use Emu oil for muscle and joint problems and for nourishing and repairing damaged skin. Emu oil naturally contains Vitamin E, which is a major antioxidant and healing agent; Vitamin A, a known skin repairer and antioxidant; Linoleic acid, which helps to ease muscle aches and joint pain; Oleic acid, which is a proven skin cell regenerator and anti-wrinkle agent; Sapogens, proven skin softeners; and Terpines, known antiseptics. Emu Oil can be used by people of all ages from the youngest to the most elderly. It is gentle enough to use on the most sensitive skin on a daily basis. INGREDIENTS: Emu Oil, Cera Flava, Petrolatum, Camphor, Menthol, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Melaleuca cajuputi, Eugenia caryophyllata, Ammonia PACK SIZE: 60 Gram

    USER GUIDE: Emu Oil Cream may be of benefit to People who experience sore muscles and joints usually associated with injury, Those that experience pain associated with Arthritis and rheumatism, People that have back and shoulder pain and inflammation usually associated with stress and tension, Those that have burns and scolds, People that have insect bites and stings

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