Summer Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight Over The Summer

Summer Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight Over The Summer

Summer is the season of warmth, and fun, showing off your beach body and flaunting your style. However, it’s also a season of unhealthy eating, lazy days, and a lack of physical activity. This leads to weight gain and an unhealthy lifestyle. 

So, how can you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle during the summer months?

Summer has downsides – you might feel the temptation to skip your workouts, your appetite may go down, and your body’s natural metabolism may slow down too.

Here’s why you shouldn’t sweat about it anymore.

We’ve compiled a list of science-backed summer weight loss tips that can help you shed extra pounds, build muscle and get closer to your weight loss goals in the summer.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started.

Why Is It Important to Lose Weight Especially During Summers?

Lose Weight Especially During Summers
Source: Canva

Losing weight is always important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it becomes even more crucial during summers. With the temperatures rising, our body tends to get dehydrated easily, and carrying around extra weight can put a strain on our cardiovascular system. 

Shedding some pounds can not only help you feel more comfortable in your summer clothes, but it can also improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Losing weight during summers can also boost your energy levels and improve your mood. When we are carrying around excess weight, our body has to work harder to perform even simple tasks, leading to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. 

However, by adopting healthy habits and losing weight, you can feel more energized and ready to take on all the fun activities that summers have to offer. So, don’t wait any longer, start making small changes today to achieve a healthier and happier you this summer!

Here Are Some Pro Tips to Lose Weight Over The Summers

Pro Tips to Lose Weight Over The Summers
Source: Canva

As the temperatures rise, so does the desire to shed those extra pounds and feel confident in your summer attire. But with so much conflicting advice out there, it can be tough to know where to start. Luckily, we’ve rounded up some pro tips to help you lose weight and feel your best during the sunny months ahead.

1. Hydration is necessary

Hydration is necessary
Source: Canva

During summers, it is crucial to maintain proper hydration to prevent dehydration and heatstroke. Drinking lemon water, fresh coconut water, buttermilk, and watery fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, and berries can help. And, drinking enough water may aid in weight loss by increasing the breakdown of fat, as evidenced in a study.

However, it is essential to be mindful of the high sugar content in chilled fruit juices, squashes, shakes, cola beverages, and fruit-flavored drinks, which we crave during the summer.

To avoid consuming excess calories, consider replacing sugary drinks and juices with amino drinks with zero added sugar.  These drinks boost amino acids and electrolytes, providing energy for your workouts and helping maintain a healthy fluid balance.

You can choose from a wide range of pre-workouts, effervescent tablets, amino blends, and energy drinks. Nutrabay offers to maximize your workout capacity while staying hydrated. 1

2. Stay physically active

Stay physically active
Source: Canva

Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential to stay fit and reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. You can engage in various activities such as yoga, sports, dancing, gymming, swimming, etc., according to your preferences. These activities can help boost your metabolism and promote swift fat burning.

Regular exercise helps with weight loss and plays a significant role in weight maintenance. Therefore, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can have many health benefits and improve your overall well-being. 2

3. Incorporate natural herb extracts into your diet

Incorporate natural herb extracts into your diet
Source: Canva

Herbal teas and superfood extracts are known to offer numerous health benefits. Green tea, for example, is rich in antioxidants that can boost your metabolic rate and fight oxidative stress.

During your summer detox diet, consider including a blend of superfoods and green extracts that come in various forms, such as powders and effervescent tablets. 

These supplements can aid in detoxification and assist in eliminating toxins from the body, promoting overall health and well-being.

Prefer unsweetened tea and coffee. Replacing sugar with other options like jaggery, honey, or date sugar provide additional benefits, including calories.  Instead, have a plant-based sweetener like stevia with zero calories. 3

4. Support your gut with pre and probiotics

Support your gut with pre and probiotics
Source: Canva

Research has suggested that gut health can significantly affect weight loss. The bacteria in our gut can influence how different foods are digested and metabolized, affecting our feelings of fullness and, ultimately, our weight.

Probiotics, live bacteria in our gut, can have health-boosting effects. Prebiotics, which are foods that promote the growth of probiotics, can also be beneficial for gut health. 

Foods like kimchi, kombucha, buttermilk, kefir, curd, sauerkraut, green tea, nuts, seeds, oats, fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of probiotics and prebiotics and should be included in your diet.

You can also go for pre and probiotics supplements providing dual benefits of both. 4

5. Never compromise on sleep

Never compromise on sleep
Source: Canva

Research has shown that inadequate sleep can contribute to weight gain. To support weight loss efforts, it is recommended to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

In addition to promoting weight loss, getting sufficient sleep can help relieve stress and minimize levels of stress hormones in the body. 

On the other hand, a lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of appetite hormones, leading to increased cravings for foods high in fat and sugar. Therefore, prioritizing sleep is crucial for weight management and well-being. 5

6. Snack smartly

Snack smartly
Source: Canva

While snacking can sometimes be discouraged during weight loss, choosing healthy snacks can support your fitness goals. 

Instead of junk food, try eating wholesome snacks like nuts, seeds, peanut butter, meal replacement shakes, protein bars, and fruit yogurts.

These nutrient-dense snacks can provide sustained energy to keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. 

Also, they can be a great way to meet your daily nutritional needs and support your overall health while still staying on track with your weight loss goals. 6

7. Try metabolism boosters

Try metabolism boosters
Source: Canva

During your weight loss journey, you might reach a stage where you feel that there are no visible changes in weight despite following a disciplined diet and workout routine. 

Supplements like fat burners can give the extra push required to break that plateau. Fat-burning supplements usually contain caffeine, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, L-carnitine, and Garcinia Cambogia, which may help get a more sculpted shape. 7

8. Prefer a colorful meal

Prefer a colorful meal
Source: Canva

Summers offer a comprehensive range of fruits and vegetables, and one should try to reap the maximum benefit. 

Include colored fruits and veggies like mango, melons, berries, bell peppers, papaya, green beans, cucumbers, etc., in your salads and meals to get your daily dose of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 

Micronutrients like vitamins and minerals play a vital role during energy metabolism, and their deficiencies can affect your weight loss goal to a considerable extent(5). 

Consider taking a multivitamin supplement if you are a picky eater or feel it might be challenging to meet your daily micronutrient needs.

9. Choose healthy fats

Choose healthy fats
Source: Canva

To ensure a healthy diet and promote weight loss, it is recommended to cook using oils high in nutritional value, such as coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, and mustard oil. 

Coconut oil is particularly beneficial due to the presence of MCTs, which can enhance metabolism, promote fat burning, and sustain energy levels. 

Also, incorporating MCT oils into your morning coffee can offer similar advantages. To reap the full range of benefits, it is advisable to use these oils on a rotating basis. 8

10. Boost your vitamin D levels

Boost your vitamin D levels
Source: Canva

During the summer months, it is essential to obtain adequate sunlight exposure to optimize your vitamin D levels. 

Research has suggested low vitamin D levels are linked to obesity and higher BMI. 

Therefore, ensuring that your vitamin D levels are optimal to achieve weight loss goals effectively is essential. However, losing weight during vitamin D deficiency may be challenging. 9

11. Be attentive to nutrition labels

Be attentive to nutrition labels
Source: Canva

Do your grocery shopping carefully, especially with packaged food. Scan the ingredient list and look for added sugar, refined flour, and sodium content. Some diet foods may not be healthy as claimed. 

Some diet foods may not be healthy as claimed. Products labeled ‘sugar-free’ are usually high in fat to compensate for the texture and taste. 

Look for the serving size. Some foods may appear low in calories, sodium, added sugar, and other items on the nutrient checklist due to the small serving size listed, but they are not. 10

12. Hot it up

Hot it up
Source: Canva

You may not feel like eating spicy foods in the summer, but that shouldn’t stop you from incorporating spices like cayenne pepper, mustard, and chili pepper into your meals. 

These spices add flavor to your food and contain capsaicin, a compound that can naturally increase your body’s fat-burning abilities. 11

13. Plan your meals

Plan your meals
Source: Canva

It’s important to avoid skipping meals and stick to a regular meal schedule. When you skip meals, it can negatively impact your body’s ability to burn calories efficiently. 

So, make sure to schedule your meals and follow that routine consistently.

14. Walk after your meals

Walk after your meals
Source: Canva

Research shows that there are many advantages to walking after a meal. Taking a 10-20 minute walk after eating can enhance digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and decrease the risk of obesity. If brisk walking is unsuitable, opt for a gentle stroll instead. 12

15. Avoid having ready-to-eat meals

Avoid having ready-to-eat meals
Source: Canva

Although pre-packaged meals may seem convenient, they often have lower dietary quality. These ready-to-eat meals are typically high in preservatives and sodium, leading to elevated blood pressure, bloating, and weight gain. To avoid these issues, it’s better to choose freshly cooked meals whenever possible. 

However, if you’re short on time, consider protein shakes, low-sugar protein bars, or meal replacement shakes as alternatives. 13

16. Never overlook protein

Never overlook protein
Source: Canva

To maintain a healthy weight, having a higher proportion of lean muscle mass and a lower percentage of body fat is essential. One crucial nutrient that should not be overlooked in achieving this is protein.It is necessary to incorporate protein-rich foods such as eggs, chicken, lean meat, nuts, pulses, and dairy products into one’s diet.

Furthermore, one can supplement one’s protein intake with products that provide approximately 20-25 grams of high-quality protein per serving. 

For the best deals on whey protein and plant-based protein supplements, one can visit Nutrabay. 

It is recommended to include a protein-rich food item in every meal, particularly breakfast. Studies suggest that individuals with a high-protein breakfast consume fewer calories throughout the day. 14

17. Focus on dietary fiber

Focus on dietary fiber
Source: Canva

Regardless of one’s health objective, consuming an adequate amount of fiber is crucial. However, during weight loss, fiber significantly reduces overall food intake by slowing down stomach emptying and triggering the release of satiety hormones. As a result, incorporating fiber into your diet can help you eat less naturally.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), consuming 25-40 grams of dietary fiber daily, including soluble and insoluble fiber, is recommended. 

In addition, fiber supplements are available as an alternative to ensure that your bowel and gut stay healthy. 15

18. Limit Alcohol Consumption

Limit Alcohol Consumption
Source: Canva

Drinking too much alcohol can contribute to weight gain and an unhealthy lifestyle. Alcohol is high in calories and can increase your appetite for unhealthy foods. 

Therefore, it’s best to limit your alcohol consumption and choose healthier options like water, tea, or low-calorie drinks. 16

19. Choose whole grains over refined ones

Choose whole grains over refined ones
Source: Canva

Choosing whole grains such as wheat, oats, buckwheat, brown rice, and millet is a fantastic weight loss strategy. These grains are rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins. In fact, their high fiber content fills you with fewer calories, which helps prevent insulin spikes and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

If you enjoy eating pasta and bread, it is advisable to opt for those made with whole grains rather than refined wheat flour. It is essential to check the ingredient list carefully.

Add your favorite vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, sweet corn, and cauliflower to your pasta to create a healthy weight loss meal. 

And, one can enhance the protein content by including sprouts, boiled beans, eggs, or chicken. 17

20. Stay motivated

Stay motivated
Source: Canva

So, staying motivated is crucial for achieving your weight loss goals. Set realistic goals, track your progress, and reward yourself for your achievements. Also, find a workout buddy or join a fitness class to keep yourself motivated and accountable.

Final Thoughts

Summer Weight Loss Tips – How To Lose Weight Over The Summer
Source: Canva

So, losing weight requires commitment, but it is not impossible. 

Summer weight loss is achievable with the right mindset, healthy eating habits, and an active lifestyle. Following these summer weight loss tips, you can maintain a healthy weight, improve your health, and feel great all summer. 

Remember, staying consistent, making healthy choices, and staying motivated to achieve your weight loss goals are essential. 

This summer, find ways to stay active, eat healthily, try these tips, and be dedicated to your weight loss goal. 

Pro Tip: Always stay motivated and never forget that every day is a fresh beginning.

How can you lose weight over summer?

The weather has a significant influence on how we can lose weight. Here are some tips that can make losing weight easier during summer.
Go swimming. Swimming is a fun and easy way to lose weight.
Drink more water.
Watch what you drink.
Workout outdoors.
Workout early in the morning.
Cold food over hot.
Just walk.

How can I lose weight in summer naturally?

Weight Loss Tips For Summers
Start Your Day with Water.
Eat a Lot of Fruits and Veggies.
Drink Green Tea.
Eat Healthy Snacks.
Overnight Oats in Breakfast.
Get Sufficient Sleep.
Add Spices to Your Diet.
Exercise Regularly.

How much weight can I lose by the summer?

Three Month Summer Diet Plan

In three months, you can lose about 26 pounds – more than enough for most overweight people to experience noticeable health improvements as well as a much leaner body.

Is weight loss easy in summer?

Summer is the best season to lose weight. It’s warm outside and you can indulge in light aerobic exercises like swimming and walking at your will. Choose from nature’s basket of healthy, low-fat and low-calorie summer fruits and vegetables to lose weight easily.

What should I eat in summer to lose weight?

 summer foods that aid weight loss
Try Watermelon Salad with Feta and Olives.
Try Poached Pears with Red Wine Sauce.
Try Grilled Cantaloupe with Herbs.
Try Iced Green Tea with Mint.
Try Spicy Watermelon Gazpacho.
Try Boiled Beetroot Salad with Spring Onion.
Try Roasted Red Pepper Soup.

Which season is best for weight loss?

More hours of darkness and cooler bedroom temperatures can help you get more sleep, making winter definitely the best time for weight loss. That’s important because studies have found that not getting enough Zzzs is a risk factor for weight gain.

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