Clean Eating: Everything You Need To Know

Clean Eating: Everything You Need To Know

Clean Eating is a lifestyle that focuses on eating whole, unprocessed foods.

Clean Eating is a lifestyle that focuses on eating whole, unprocessed foods. It’s not about dieting or weight loss, but rather about feeling better and having more energy.

Clean Eating is a lifestyle that focuses on eating whole, unprocessed foods. It’s not about dieting or weight loss, but rather about feeling better and having more energy. Join the thousands of people who are living the Clean Eating lifestyle and feel amazing!

Start living the Clean Eating lifestyle today!

Clean eating is perhaps one of the most prevailing diet trends in the world of health and fitness and it is here to stay. Ask any fitness or sports enthusiast they will most likely credit ‘clean eating for their physique and performance levels. 

And the cult of “clean eating” is more popular than ever these days. ‘Clean Eating’ presents itself on the opposite end of ‘IIFYM’ spectrums. While the ‘IIFYM’ (If it fits your macros) folks preach that you can eat anything that fits your macronutrient goals.

‘Clean eaters’ don’t emphasize the quantity but the quality of food. They advocate that only ‘clean foods’ must be consumed throughout the day. Nonetheless, the term ‘clean foods’ is very vague and subjective in itself. 

For a Ketogenic dieter, this will mean meat, nuts, and cheese, for a vegan, plants, and seeds, and for Paleo dieter, the list is limited to Paleo-approved foods. In this article, we will break down everything you should know about clean eating and also provide a sample clean Indian diet.

What Is Clean Eating?

Technically ‘clean eating’ is not a form of diet rather a nutrition ideology for healthy living that focuses on consuming natural whole foods rich in micronutrients and avoids/minimize consumption of processed and junk foods. A diet which is up to 90% composed of whole foods is generally regarded as a ‘Clean Diet’

The ideology of clean eating traces back to the ancient period, the Greek physician Hippocrates did one of the first works on dietary principles and quoted “Let food by the medicine and medicine be thy food”.

The Basic Ideology

  1. Avoid processed foods
  2. Avoid refined foods
  3. Avoid artificial ingredients
  4. Avoid alcohol
  5. Consume mainly whole foods in their natural forms

Is it better than Flexible Dieting?

As mentioned earlier, Clean Eating is the complete opposite of IIFYM. With Flexible Dieting, you can eat anything as long as it fits your macro goals, but with Clean Eating, you are restricted to natural whole foods. This has both advantages and disadvantages when compared to Flexible Dieting.

One of the advantages of Clean Eating is that it gives you a structured plan which can help you stick to your diet and make better progress. This is because you are less likely to deviate from the plan. In contrast, people on a Flexible Diet may misinterpret the calories in their food and hinder their progress. In fact, Clean Eating includes primarily whole foods, which can be more filling and satisfying.

However, the limited food choices in Clean Eating can become monotonous and make it difficult to stick to the diet in the long term. In summary, Clean Eating is great for beginners who are learning about calorie tracking and developing structured nutrition habits. Once they have achieved a certain level of nutrition excellence, a more flexible approach can be implemented.

What are The Clean Eating Benefits?

Clean Eating Benefits
Source: Canva

1.Better skin & hair quality

It is said “You are, what you eat”  Perhaps one of the most notable advantages of following a clean diet is improved skin and hair quality. Processed/Junk foods contain artificial flavorings, colors and hydrogenated oils which tends to promote skin acne and oiliness. 

A diet rich in whole foods provides the body with not just macronutrients but also all the essential micronutrients and antioxidants such as Vitamin B’s A, C, and E which are good for skin and hair health.

2.Better digestive health

In addition to nutrients like potassium, vitamin C and folate, a clean diet (given it has plenty of fruits and vegetables) is also high in fiber. Fibre has the potential to reduce constipation, enhance digestion and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Consuming a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals via whole foods ensures optimal body functions which enhances immunity. Studies have noted that people whose diet are rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables fall sick notably less than people whole majorly consume processed foods. This isn’t due to what they are eating but what the food is composed of.

How does Clean Eating help you??

How does Clean Eating help you
Source: Canva

Clean eating philosophy doesn’t account for one vital factor i.e. food quantity. And this has led to a common misconception among people that if they start eating ‘clean foods’ they will achieve their fitness goals. But whether your goal is fat loss or muscle building the most important consideration is the caloric quantity. Although, clean eating has numerous health benefits as we discussed before, merely eating clean foods cannot make you lean or muscular.

In 1964 a group from the Institute for Medical Research in Oakland, California, decided to study the effect of various macronutrient compositions on weight loss in obese patients. This study involved five obese patients residing in a hospital metabolic ward.

The patients were fed a liquid formula diet (we can call it clean!) containing the same number of calories per day – either 800, 850, or 1200 (as per the patient) for ten weeks.

Every three or four weeks the researchers modified the formula to change its content of protein (from 14 to 36% of calories), fat (from 12 to 83% of calories), and carbohydrates (3 to 64 percent of calories).

All the obese patients lost fat/weight at a constant rate, regardless of the nutrient composition of the diet. What mattered was the total calorie deficit.

The title of the study was synonymous to the findings: Calories Do Count

Therefore, if someone (hypothetically) consumes 10 Kg of carrots every day he/she will be in taking 4100 calories per day which is be a lot for most human beings and inevitably make him/her fat. Hence, it’s not just what you eat but how much you eat is what matters. If you have additional muscle building or performance goals you have to quantify the composition of food as well.

General Recommendations to Follow For Feasible Clean Eating 

Recommendations to Follow For Feasible Clean Eating
Source: Canva

Now that we have a firm idea of what clean eating is, its pros and cons. We can make some general recommendations for taking advantage of this eating style.

1. Consume one to two serving nuts every day

Nuts are rich in unsaturated fats, vitamin E and L-arginine. Also being high in fats which tends to digest slowly it provides good satiety. People on a weight loss program may consume one serving a day and for weight gain goals two servings a day.

2. Consume one to two servings of fruits every day

Fruits are rich in micronutrients which are essential for optimal functioning of the human body. If you consider macronutrients as fuel, consider micronutrients as engine oil. People on a weight loss program may consume one serving a day and for weight gain goals two servings a day.

3. Consume at least 2 servings of fibrous vegetables every day

Apart from being a good source of many vitamins (such as vitamins A, C, and K and folate) and minerals (such as iron and calcium), they are also rich in antioxidants, which tackles the free radicals which can damage your body. Also, vegetables are high in fibre with a negligible amount of calories making them great for filling the stomach and keeping the gut healthy. For people on a caloric deficit consuming fibrous vegetables with each meal can curb hunger levels.

4. Get the majority of your carbohydrates from whole grains

Grains are a great source of many nutrients, which includes fibre, B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate) and minerals (iron, magnesium and selenium). Consuming whole grains regularly have shown to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases. Hence, rotis, legumes, pulses, lentils and oats should be the primary source of carbohydrates in your diet.

5. Adequate Protein Intake

Protein is your number ally if your goal is to enhance body composition. Protein is broken down into amino acids in the body which helps in building new muscle tissues and recovering from strength training. For fitness goals aim for 2-2.2g protein per kg body weight.

Even if your goal is not to build muscles and just stay healthy, aim for at least 1.2g protein per kg body weight as the role of protein is not limited to muscle building. Protein is essential for certain critical roles in the body such as the production of hormones and secretion of enzymes.

Keeping track of how much you are eating.

As stated above that just eating clean foods can also result in weight gain if the amount of food isn’t gauged. We recommend a simple technique for quantifying your food. This technique was developed by the Precision Nutrition experts which uses your hands as measuring tool. It is convenient plus personalized- the bigger you are, the bigger your hand, and consequently more food you would get to have. Vise-Versa for smaller individuals.

Protein intake

For protein-dense foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, or beans, use a palm-sized serving.

  • For men- two palm-sized portions with each meal
  • For Women- One-Palm Sized portion with each meal

Note: a palm-sized portion is the same thickness and diameter as your palm.

Vegetable intake

  • For vegetables like spinach, green beans, kale, broccoli, etc. use a fist-sized serving.
  • For men- 2 fist-sized portions of vegetables with each meal.
  • For women- 1 fist-sized portion of vegetables with each meal.

Fat intake

  • For fat-dense foods – like oils, butter, nut butter, nuts use your entire thumb to determine your serving size.
  • For men- 2 thumb-sized portions of fats with most meals.
  • For women- 1 thumb-sized portion of fats with most meals.

To determine the portion of carbohydrate-rich foods such as grains, bread, rice, fruits use a cupped hand serving.

  • For men- 2 cupped-hand sized portions of carbohydrates with most meals.
  • For women- 1 cupped-hand sized portions of carbohydrates with most meals.

If you apply these principles to 70% of your food intake. Your health will be dramatically enhanced in just a few weeks.


Source: Canva

Meal 1 Breakfast

Whole EggsEat the way you love | Add some sauces for flavor4
Milk1 Glass ~ 300 ml
Fruits½ Plate

Take your multivitamin and multimineral and vitamin D (2,000-5,000 IU) with this meal.

Meal 2 Lunch

Chicken Breast200g
Green VegetablesAs much you like

Snack Meal

(Eat when you get mid day hunger)

NutsMix up your favourites30g

Meal 3 Pre Workout

Brown Bread2
Peanut Butter15g
Whey Protein1 Scoop

Go to gym after 45-60 Mins of consuming this meal

Meal 4 Dinner

Rice (brown or white)70g
Green VegetablesAs much you like

Wrapping Up

Clean Eating
Source: Canva

Clean Eating is a lifestyle that emphasizes the consumption of natural, whole foods while avoiding processed and junk foods. This approach has numerous benefits, including better skin and hair quality, improved digestive health, and enhanced immunity. 

While there are some limitations to Clean Eating, such as limited food choices and the need for structured nutrition habits, it can be an excellent starting point for individuals who are learning about calorie tracking and developing healthy eating habits. 

By incorporating a few general recommendations, like consuming one to two servings of nuts and fruits each day, getting adequate protein intake, and keeping track of portion sizes, anyone can start living the Clean Eating lifestyle today and reap the benefits of better health and improved well-being.

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What is the importance of eating clean?

Clean foods fill your body with plentiful vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein and healthy fats, which improve heart and brain health, assist with weight management, build a stronger immune system and increase energy levels, among other benefits.

How do you maintain healthy eating habits?

1. Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark green, red, and orange vegetables (3 or more servings a day).
2. Eat a variety of fruits (2 or more servings a day).
3. Eat whole-grain, high-fiber breads and cereals (3 to 6 servings a day). …
4. Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and eat low-fat dairy products.

What is excluded in clean eating?

Clean eating is traditionally defined as eating simple, whole foods without any artificial ingredients. This typically involves the elimination of most processed foods, trans fats, heavy saturated fats, added sugar and refined grains.

What to avoid while eating clean?

Eating cleaner means avoiding processed foods, so steer clear of bologna, salami, pepperoni and hot dogs. These—and other processed meat products—are usually high in sodium and may contain artificial colors as well as preservatives.

What are 3 common influences on eating habits?

Biological determinants such as hunger, appetite, and taste. Economic determinants such as cost, income, availability. Physical determinants such as access, education, skills (e.g. cooking) and time. Social determinants such as culture, family, peers and meal patterns.

What are 5 factors that influence your eating habits?

Some examples of these influences that contribute to an individual’s food choices include individual factors, such as knowledge, personal taste preference, mood, hunger level, health status, special diet requirements, ethnicity, and personal income.

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