Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone & How Supplements Can Help

increase testosterone

Wondering how to increase testosterone levels naturally and enhance your overall vitality?

Looking to supercharge your energy and boost muscle gains?

If so, you’re in the right place!

In a world where we all strive for peak performance, maintaining healthy testosterone levels is key.

We all know that the testosterone hormone powerfully impacts various aspects of male physiology, including muscle growth.

Let’s discuss the science, the strategies, and the surprising benefits of embracing a more natural approach to optimizing your testosterone.

To understand this in detail, we will dive deep into the realm of natural solutions that can help elevate your testosterone levels.

What is Testosterone?

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Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and is pivotal in regulating male characteristics like male-specific hair growth patterns, deeper voice, and anabolic effects that trigger growth spurts during puberty 1.

Testosterone facilitates the development of skeletal muscle by stimulating protein synthesis.

As individuals age, testosterone levels tend to decline, due to which men may experience a reduction in testicular size, a decrease in libido and muscle mass, diminished bone density, and increased fat production.

What are the Functions of Testosterone?

Here are some key reasons why testosterone is essential for men.

To Develop Male Reproductive Organs

During foetal growth, testosterone is accountable for the differentiation and development of male reproductive organs. It triggers the formation of the testes, the primary male reproductive organs. Testosterone also influences the accessory glands that support the male reproductive system.

For Sperm Production

After puberty, testosterone continues to be essential for the ongoing production of sperm in the testes. Sperm production, known as spermatogenesis, relies on adequate testosterone levels. Healthy sperm production is crucial for male fertility.

Low testosterone levels can lead to diminished sperm production, which may result in infertility or reduced fertility.

For Optimal Sexual Function

Testosterone plays a central role in regulating and supporting sexual health and function. Adequate testosterone levels are essential for maintaining a healthy sex drive. Men with optimal testosterone levels typically have a more robust and consistent interest in sexual activity.

Testosterone also influences the production of semen, which contains sperm. Adequate testosterone levels are necessary for the proper production of semen, which is essential for male fertility.

Low testosterone levels have been linked with signs of depression and reduced sexual satisfaction.

For Muscle Growth

Testosterone promotes the process of muscle protein synthesis, where the body builds new muscle proteins to repair and strengthen muscle tissue 2.

It helps regulate fat distribution in the body and promotes a reduction in body fat, especially around the abdomen.

Testosterone hormones also contribute to the development of lean muscle mass. Testosterone levels within a healthy range help men build and maintain larger, more defined muscles. This is why men generally have a higher percentage of muscle mass compared to women.

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To Gain Strength

Higher testosterone levels support better muscle strength and improved performance in various physical activities, such as weightlifting, sports, and other forms of exercise.

This hormone aids in the repair and recovery of muscle tissue after exercise or injury, meaning that individuals with optimal testosterone levels are better able to recover from workouts and experience less muscle soreness.

For High Energy Levels

Adequate testosterone levels are associated with increased physical energy and stamina 3. Testosterone promotes muscle development and maintenance, which can lead to improved physical performance and endurance.

Men with optimal testosterone levels tend to have better energy for physical activities, such as exercise and daily tasks.

Testosterone helps regulate metabolism and energy utilization.

For Strong Bone Density

Testosterone is one of the hormones responsible for the growth and development of bones. It helps to increase bone size and mineral density, contributing to the maturation of the skeleton.

Adequate testosterone levels are essential for preventing age-related bone loss 4.

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is associated with a decreased risk of fractures, especially in older individuals.

To Prevent Anaemia

Testosterone stimulates red blood cells’s production in the bone marrow.

Due to testosterone’s influence on red blood cell production, males generally have a higher ratio of red blood cells than females. Therefore, low testosterone levels are one of the underlying causes of anaemia among males 5.

For Enhanced Cognitive Function

Testosterone is linked to mood and mental well-being. It may influence attention and concentration. Some studies have indicated that higher testosterone levels can be linked to improved attention and focus.

Studies support that low testosterone levels are associated with symptoms of depression, irritability, and a decrease in overall mental health 6.

What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?

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There could be many reasons for low testosterone levels, which may vary from person to person.


With an increase in age, especially around 30-40 years, testosterone levels begin to decline. This is a natural process.


Excess body weight can also reduce testosterone levels, as adipose tissue can convert it into estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances.

Inadequate Nutrition

Studies support that nutritional deficiencies of protein, zinc, and vitamin D can affect testosterone production.


Certain medications, such as antidepressants, corticosteroids, and some hormone therapies, can interfere with testosterone production.


Some chronic conditions, like chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and HIV/AIDS, can affect the hormonal system and lead to low testosterone levels.


High physical or emotional stress may interfere with hormone production and cause low testosterone levels.

Alcohol Intake

Excess alcohol consumption can suppress testosterone production.

Common Low Testosterone Symptoms

A person with low testosterone levels can exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms.

  • Low energy levels
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Fatigue
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Reduced muscle growth and strength
  • Decreased bone density
  • Hair loss
  • Mood swings
  • Increased body fat
  • Low sperm count
  • Sleep issues
  • Difficulty in concentrating

If you suspect you have low testosterone or are experiencing these symptoms, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

How To Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally?

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High testosterone levels can be achieved through various lifestyle changes and dietary choices.

Well-Balanced Diet

A well-calculated diet with adequate amounts of carbs, protein and healthy fats is essential. The diet should include nutritious food sources like eggs, pulses, whole grains, legumes, dairy, lean meat, fruits, nuts and seeds.

Excessive consumption of processed and sugary foods should be avoided.

Healthy Vitamin D Levels

Studies suggest that low vitamin D levels might affect testosterone levels.

A study conducted on 200 men observed that vitamin D supplementation improved their testosterone levels7.

Weight Management

Maintaining an ideal body weight is important if you want healthy testosterone levels. Studies have shown that obese and overweight people have low testosterone levels due to their high body fat percentage.

Hence, it is advisable to maintain an active lifestyle to keep a healthy balance of lean body mass and body fat.

Adequate Sleep

Appropriate sleep is pivotal for healthy physiological functions, and sleep deprivation is a major growing concern and prevalent health issue.

Several researchers have observed that lack of sleep can cause a reduction in male testosterone levels 8.

It is advisable to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep daily to lessen the risk of testosterone reduction.

Regular Exercise

Exercise, especially lifting weights, is one of the best strategies to keep your testosterone levels up.

Data suggest that resistance training and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) can induce testosterone release and keep the levels up 9.

Stress Management

Stress can significantly impact your hormonal levels.

Stress causes an elevation in the cortisol hormone in the body, which reduces testosterone levels.

But the impact does not end here. Lower testosterone levels can further lead to more stress in the body, causing testosterone levels to drop even lower. 

Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle and proper eating habits are vital for testosterone production. Avoid or limit alcohol intake, as it can have adverse effects on testosterone levels.

Ensure you are adequately hydrated, as dehydration can affect hormone balance.

Best Supplements To Increase Testosterone

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If you are experiencing low testosterone levels, you may consider including natural supplements that may provide the boost you have been looking for.

Some dietary supplements may help boost testosterone levels when paired with a proper diet and regular workout.

Let’s uncover the science behind the potential of these supplements to increase testosterone.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a commonly used herb in traditional medicine for various purposes, including its potential to enhance testosterone levels.

It is often used as a natural testosterone booster and is a common ingredient in some dietary supplements and fitness products. Some studies suggest that it has the potential to improve male sexual function and increase libido and blood testosterone levels.

Planning to give it a try? Check out the premium quality and safest Tribulus Terrestris supplements at Nutrabay.


This traditional herb influences testosterone in several ways.

Ashwagandha is known for its potential to reduce stress levels. Lowering stress levels can indirectly support healthy testosterone production, as chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances.

Some studies support that ashwagandha supplementation may improve sperm count, motility, and quality, which can be related to testosterone levels and reproductive health.

Click here for amazing deals on the best ashwagandha supplements.


Fenugreek has been linked with increased testosterone levels and improved muscle mass.

Studies say that fenugreek contains compounds that may have a role in enhancing testosterone production.

D-Aspartic Acid

It is an amino acid that has garnered attention for its potential to influence testosterone levels. It is believed that it stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH), which, in turn, signals the testes to produce more testosterone.

Horny Goat Weed

Horny goat weed is commonly used for improving sexual performance and libido. It may have a positive effect on erectile function by enhancing blood flow to the genital area, as observed in some studies.


To summarize, maintaining balanced testosterone levels is essential for overall well-being. Additionally, lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and overall well-being, play an important role in sexual health and hormone balance.

It is important to remember that the effects of natural testosterone boosters can vary from person to person. If you are considering using herbal supplements for sexual health or testosterone-related concerns, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider for proper guidance.

What are some testosterone booster foods?

Some foods and nutrients that may help support healthy testosterone levels are nuts, seeds, beans, fatty fish, eggs, green leafy vegetables, pomegranate, fenugreek, ginger, and garlic.

What is the function of testosterone in women?

Testosterone contributes to sexual desire (libido) in both men and women. It is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Adequate testosterone levels also support overall physical strength and may protect against osteoporosis.

How to increase testosterone levels naturally?

Here are a few tips that may help boost testosterone levels naturally:
1. Consume a nutritious diet
2. Engage in regular physical activity
3. Maintain a proper sleep schedule
4. Avoid stress
5. Avoid alcohol intake and substance abuse
6. Try natural testosterone-boosting supplements and herb extracts.

Does ashwagandha increase testosterone?

Studies suggest that ashwagandha exerts a modulatory effect on hormone levels, potentially helping to bring them back into balance. It also indirectly supports healthier testosterone levels by helping reduce stress.

Which is the best testosterone booster?

Nutrabay Pro Testosterone Booster is the best supplement that helps increase testosterone levels naturally. It contains specially selected nutrients, which are the most effective aphrodisiac herbs that help in promoting strength, power, vigour and vitality. It is a muscle and strength enhancing supplement that helps increase your testosterone level by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to naturally produce more testosterone.

Are there any testosterone booster side effects?

Natural testosterone boosters are usually considered safe and cause no side effects. However, supplements containing synthetic ingredients and steroids must not be used without any expert supervision and doctor’s consultation.

  1. Nassar, G. N. (2023, January 2). Physiology, testosterone. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.[]
  2. Griggs, R., Kingston, W. J., Józefowicz, R. F., Herr, B. E., Forbes, G. B., & Halliday, D. (1989). Effect of testosterone on muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis. Journal of Applied Physiology, 66(1), 498–503.[]
  3. Straftis, A., & Gray, P. B. (2019). Sex, Energy, Well-Being and Low Testosterone: An exploratory survey of U.S. men’s experiences on prescription testosterone. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18), 3261.[]
  4. Shigehara, K., Izumi, K., Kadono, Y., & Mizokami, A. (2021). Testosterone and Bone Health in Men: A Narrative review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(3), 530.[]
  5. Roy, C. N., Snyder, P. J., Stephens‐Shields, A. J., Artz, A. S., Bhasin, S., Cohen, H. J., Farrar, J. T., Gill, T. M., Zeldow, B., Cella, D., Barrett‐Connor, E., Cauley, J. A., Crandall, J. P., Cunningham, G. R., Ensrud, K. E., Lewis, C. E., Matsumoto, A. M., Molitch, M. E., Pahor, M., . . . Ellenberg, S. S. (2017). Association of testosterone levels with anemia in older men. JAMA Internal Medicine, 177(4), 480.[]
  6. Zitzmann, M. (2006). Testosterone and the brain. The Aging Male, 9(4), 195–199.[]
  7. Pilz, S., Frisch, S., Koertke, H., Kühn, J., Dreier, J., Obermayer-Pietsch, B., Wehr, E., & Zittermann, A. (2010). Effect of vitamin D supplementation on testosterone levels in men. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 43(03), 223–225.[]
  8. Su, L., Zhang, S., Zhu, J. J., Wu, J., & Jiao, Y. (2021). Effect of partial and total sleep deprivation on serum testosterone in healthy males: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine, 88, 267–273.[]
  9. Craig, B. W., Brown, R., & Everhart, J. E. (1989). Effects of progressive resistance training on growth hormone and testosterone levels in young and elderly subjects. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 49(2), 159–169.[]

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