Category Archives: Nutrition

Peanut Butter: Benefits, Nutrition & Best Brand To Choose

peanut butter

What is a superfood? The term broadly describes foods considered “healthy” in their choices, but there are debates on what can be categorized as a superfood. One may not be considered healthy by everyone’s standards and vice versa. Peanut butter is not just a childhood favorite but also a nutritional powerhouse packed with protein, healthy […]

Ultimate Protein Shake Guide: How to Use Protein Powder 1O1

Ditch your old unflavoured or old-flavoured vanilla and strawberry protein shakes for something new today. Between juggling work and fitness, finding time to chug down your protein shake is tough. Moreover, having the same old strawberry or vanilla flavour can get monotonous. So use this guide to replace your boring shake with any of these […]

1O1 Guide To Bulk Bodybuilding Diet


Building a muscular and well-defined physique is a goal that many individuals aspire to achieve. However, the journey towards a muscular body requires more than just hitting the gym and lifting weights. Proper nutrition is essential to any bodybuilding program, and a bulk bodybuilding diet is designed to support muscle growth and recovery.  Bulking is […]

Protein Powder For Weight Loss

protein powder

Are you trying to shed those extra pounds and hit a weight loss plateau? Have you considered incorporating protein powder into your diet to aid in your weight loss journey?  Many people are skeptical about using protein powder for weight loss, but the truth is, it can be a game-changer!  It can be challenging to […]

Diet Plan For Muscle Gain

muscle gain

Are you looking for a diet plan that helps build muscle? Muscle building is a lifestyle, and it’s more than just being in the gym. Your diet plays a huge role in helping you build muscle, which is why we’ve created this muscle gain diet plan. This plan will help you eat the right foods […]

The Best Protein Powder In India

Protein Powder

Are you looking for the best protein powder in India?  Need a premium quality protein powder to build a lean, healthy, muscular body?  Searching for a tasty and easily digestible protein powder that is low in fat and calories? Explore further to discover all the information you need about the finest protein powder available in […]

Top Foods For Bulking

Top Foods For Bulking

Are you tired of feeling like you’re not making any progress in your fitness journey? Are you struggling to add mass and bulk up? Look no further! The secret to bulking up lies in the foods you eat.  Incorporating the right foods into your diet can fuel your body and make the gains you’ve been […]

Should You Eat Carbs On Rest Days?

Carbohydrates have become one of the most controversial topics in the world of nutrition. Some people believe that carbs are essential for good health, while others swear by low-carb diets for weight loss and overall health. But when it comes to rest days, the debate about whether you should eat carbs or not becomes even […]

Busting Common Nutrition Myths

Nutrition Myths

Hello there, foodies! Have you ever started to believe a few facts about food that you had just read or heard? At times, they could be just myths and merely based on scientific evidence. Do you know the truth about Nutrition? The truth is, there are a lot of myths out there about what we […]

Healthy On-The-Go Breakfasts

Healthy On-The-Go Breakfasts

Are you always in a rush in the mornings and find it hard to fit in a healthy breakfast? Do you find yourself grabbing a sugar-laden muffin or a greasy breakfast sandwich on your way to work? If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re not alone!  Many of us struggle with finding the time […]

Do You Really Need a Collagen Supplement? Tips to Increase Your Protein Intake From a Vegan Indian Diet BCAA: What is the Use? Can Protein Help Control Hunger and Cravings? Circadian Eating and its Benefits